19 Essential YouTube Tips to Maximize Your Success in 2025

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YouTube is the second most visited website in the world, just behind Google. With more than 1 billion hours of videos watched daily, YouTube is a place to make an impact. Not only that, it can help you reach out to a greater audience and unlock the doors of success for yourself or your brand.

However, you can’t just go around uploading videos on YouTube and dream of instant success. Over time, the competition has changed, and everyone out there is competing to get the most attention.

To drive views and engagement on your content, you must be well aware of YouTube tips that could help you optimize your videos and gain maximum views. Let’s explore a bunch of YouTube tips that would help you grow.

19 YouTube Tips To Grow Your Channel

When talking about YouTube, it’s not just a site but a search engine. In Fact the second largest search engine in the world, just after Google! So remember how you optimize your content to show up on Google’s results? Here, in this case, the story’s pretty identical.

Your videos need to be correctly optimized, and being geared up with proper YouTube SEO tips is what’s required to reach a larger audience on the booming platform.

  1. Use Keywords in Your Title & Description

    When starting on YouTube, one of the basic YouTube tips for beginners is to optimize your video title and description with proper keywords. These keywords trigger YouTube about the video and put it in front of an audience who might come searching against those keywords. A good way around it is to do keyword research. You can search for a phrase in YouTube’s search bar and see the keywords or phrases coming on top.

    Use Keywords in Your Title & Description

    (Source: Social Champ’s YouTube Channel)

    This could help you identify keywords with higher search volume, and using those in your videos could help you get a slice of the enormous oncoming traffic.

  2. Put In High-Resolution Thumbnails

    Next among the attention-worthy YouTube tips to level up your game is to use high-resolution and custom thumbnails for your videos. With more than 500 hours of videos uploaded on YouTube each minute, the viewer’s attention span is very low. The first thing they get to see when they search for a video is the thumbnail view of it.

    So you can gain more views directly from YouTube’s search results. I mentioned that the higher the clicks on your video, the more YouTube pushes it in front of an audience.

    Put In High-Resolution Thumbnails(Source: Laura Haleydt’s YouTube Channel)

    So, better thumbnails also mean a better click-through rate, resulting in a better spot on the search results.

  3. Use Tags in Back-End

    Another way to trigger YouTube algorithm to find your content is to use tags in the back end. When you upload videos on YouTube, they ask the uploader to put tags. These tags help YouTube to identify what your video is about and show it to the relevant audience.

  4. Pick a Niche and Brand Voice

    Viewers are four times more likely to use YouTube to find information about a brand, product, or service (versus other platforms). So when we talk about YouTube tips, you must pick a niche and use a consistent brand voice. Upload content specific to a niche to build credibility for your channel. You cannot go around uploading different types of content and expect your channel to appear on YouTube’s search results.

    Related Article: How to Create and Manage YouTube Channels – All You Need to Know

  5. Optimize Your Channel

    Optimizing your channel is truly a game changer when showcasing your expertise. Write a proper description of your channel; this would be displayed in your channels about section. It’s the first place your audience would come when they want to learn about your brand.

    Use relevant keywords in your channel’s description to help it become more discoverable.
    More useful YouTube tips for a channel are to use a proper logo, cover image, and links to your other social handles. This could help drive additional traffic to your social media. You can also set up a custom URL for your channel that you can share with your network.

    After this, you must put in your contact details. This would make it easy for your fans to contact you if they want to reach out in the future.

    Optimize Your Channel(Source: Social Champ’s YouTube Channel)

    And finally, you must verify your channel. Now if you don’t know, only verified accounts can post videos longer than 15 minutes. Verification also lets you create custom thumbnails.

    Verifying is pretty simple. You would just need to fill out a few details at youtube.com/verify.

Level up Your YouTube Game by Staying Consistent With Social Champ

Schedule, publish and monitor all your YouTube videos without breaking a sweat using Social Champ.
  1. Stay Consistent With Your Posting

    YouTube favors those creators who are consistent with their content; if you post frequently, it signals them to show your video in front of a larger audience. So, consistency is the key if you want your channel to grow. Try to create a calendar, and film that content in advance so that the posting stays consistent.

    Stay Consistent With Your Posting

    When talking about YouTube tips and consistency, you can use a social media scheduling tool like Social Champ that allows you to schedule content in advance. You could schedule your content in advance, and Social Champ will take care of the rest.

  2. Make Some Room for Advertisement

    YouTube today has grown into a whole industry; it’s not just being used for sharing content. It’s doing more than that. Many businesses and brands optimize YouTube tips to drive traffic to their online store, create brand awareness, and generate leads. Do you know 75% of people that took part in a survey said that in-video YouTube advertisements made them more aware of new brands and products, while 70% made a purchase.

    So it’s about time you showcase your content to a new and broader audience. Promoting your video on YouTube will not only gain more views for your content, but it will also help your channel become more discoverable and drive more subscribers to it.

    Here’s a step-by-step guide to diving deep into how advertising works on YouTube.

  3. Monitor Your Channel Analytics

    One of the best YouTube tips and tricks we can tell you is to look out for your channel analytics. Keeping a lookout on them would help you identify your top-performing content and help you decide what works and what doesn’t for your channel. Also, it would help you find the average watch time for your videos, so you can analyze their behavior and adjust your strategies accordingly.

    Analytics over YouTube is way advanced; it lets you know your traffic source, average watch time, and how many subscribers you could gain from a video. Getting the hang of all this data and then utilizing it is highly beneficial to take your YouTube marketing a step ahead.

    Monitor Your Channel Analytics(Source: Social Champ’s YouTube Channel)

    Other than that, there are many other cool things that YouTube analytics lets you know. It shows you deep insights about your audience, like the top countries where you receive the most views.

    Their gender and age, and finally, you get access to the research tab that helps you find trending topics based on the search priority and according to specific countries, the best part of this one of many YouTube tips.  If you want to learn more about KPIs, read this guide on YouTube analytics.

  4. Bring YouTube Shorts Into Your Marketing Strategy

    Launched on Sept.14th, 2020, YouTube Shorts slowly stormed the world. They are short, bite-sized forms of video that are easier to consume than the traditional large videos you see on YouTube. They are a counterpart of TikTok and Instagram Reels and, just like them, have the most traction on the native platform. Do you know that YouTube Shorts has been averaging 30 billion views daily? Yeah, you heard us right!

    Bring YouTube Shorts Into Your Marketing Strategy(Source: Modern Millie YouTube Channel)

    Keeping that in mind, making Shorts is crucial when talking about YouTube tips.

  5. Leverage the Power of the Community Tab

    It’s no doubt when your audience grows over YouTube, they slowly become a part of your community. With time they become your followers and keep an eye out for the latest updates and content you share. You must also engage with your audience to drive engagement on your content.

    Now it’s not necessary to only engage through the comments on your videos; that’s where the community tab comes in. The community tab allows you to share images, polls, gifs, and videos with your community, and they can engage with the post you share.

    Leverage the Power of the Community Tab(Source: Vanesa Lau’s YouTube Channel)

    This comes under the significant YouTube tips and tricks to grow your audience; remember, the more you engage, the more chances you have to convert them into subscribers.

  6. Create a Playlist

    When it comes to channel discovery creating a playlist is among the best Youtube tips for beginners. When you are doing SEO for your channel, it not only takes your video into account, it sees it as a whole picture, including the playlist. According to a survey, more than 70% of the time on YouTube is spent watching algorithm recommendations. So it’s not necessary that your video might pop up in the recommendations.

    That’s where playlists come in. They keep viewers moving from one video to another, boosting total watch time. They could help your content to get picked by the algorithm and show up on people’s feeds or recommendations.

    Create a Playlist(Source: Social Champ’s YouTube Channel)

    Also, they help viewers discover more of your content and subscribe to your channel.

    Featured Article: 25+ Powerful YouTube Hacks You Should Know in 2024

  7. Cross-Promote

    Diving deep into YouTube video tips and cross-promoting your videos to external resources is the best way to drive external traffic to your channel. Cross-promoting your videos on your brand’s social media is an effective way to drive traffic and get your channel picked by YouTube’s algorithm.

    Cross-Promote(Source: Neil Patel’s Blog)

    It’s no hidden fact that YouTube favors external traffic, and cross-promoting is another way to do that. If you have a blog section, you can also embed your videos on your blog or share them in a newsletter with your audience. Hence, these YouTube tips can take your YouTube presence to another level.

  8. Go Live

    Do you know that Live streaming accounts for 23% of global viewing time? So another great YouTube tip for engaging with your audience is to Go Live on YouTube. It can help increase your channel’s watch hours and is supported on all social media platforms, including YouTube.

    This video format provides excellent engagement opportunities because you can communicate directly with your audience. To start sharing live videos, you can use your smartphone or webcam for live broadcasts. Using a third-party tool like Flutin can help you multistream your YouTube Live across different social media platforms simultaneously.

  9. Add Info Cards and End Screens in Your Videos

    Coming to the final pointer under our YouTube tips, you should consider adding info cards and end screens in your videos. You can add these cards between and at the end of your videos with a specific call to action. End screens give you options to place in your videos that could help increase your subscriber count or suggest another video to your viewer from your playlist.

    Add Info Cards and End Screens in Your Videos(Source: Social Champ’s YouTube Channel)

  10. Use A Welcome Video

    One of the most effective youtube tips is to create a welcome video for your channel to briefly introduce yourself to your audience.

    You might not know, but there is a greater chunk of people stalking your YouTube profile; how to grab their attention? They might come and leave without any impression if they need to know who you are and what you do. Hence, the best you can do is to make a creative, humorous, engaging, and attractive video perfectly sums up your first impression to the viewer.

  11. Optimize Your YouTube Videos According to SEO

    Apply keyword research for the videos you aim to post on YouTube. Use your results and implement SEO techniques on the title, caption, and description. Write SEO-friendly captions that are creative and capable of achieving a high click-through rate.

  12. Increase Your Watch Time

    One of the best YouTube tips to attract viewers is to create long videos, as the YouTube algorithm favors the content with the maximum watch time.

    But mind you, this is a critical technique!

    Do not elongate your video with boring fluffed information. Rather, opt for a topic surrounded by many frequently asked questions. Make the first half of the video interesting and informative, and keep the other half to answer the FAQs.

    This will add up to your content timeline to be informative. So, level up your video creation, try out new frames, different props, and visuals, and engage viewers efficiently.

  13. Incorporate Professional Editing Techniques

    If you feel your content is justified and has everything you need to be creative, it is time to upgrade your video creation strategies.

    Take multiple shots and choose the best ones for editing. Look for some online video editors or software that can help you edit and improvise the video better.

  14. Subscription Reminders & Giveaways

    There might be people regularly watching your videos but are not a subscriber to your channel. Hence, one of the most effective YouTube tips is to remind your audience to subscribe to your channel.

    Put a call-to-action in each video directing the viewer to subscribe to your channel. Another hack to increase the reach of your YouTube channel is to do giveaways. You can condition the viewers to share your video and subscribe to your channel if they want to participate in the giveaway. This technique will bring more and more people to your channel, bringing in a better audience.


We think you might be ready to start your YouTube journey; by now, you have the insights you need to get up and running with your YouTube channel. Use these YouTube tips to optimize your channel, posting schedule, and strategies to make your brand stand out.

Optimizing your channel and videos would not only help you gain more traction, but it would also help to improve its discoverability and increase your average impressions. These would all contribute to your success on YouTube.

People Also Ask

1. How to Get More Views on YouTube?

You can optimize your video with proper keywords, like using them in the title, description, and meta tags. These could help with its discoverability and thus get more views on it.

2. Do repeat views count on YouTube?

Yes, but only if the replays seem natural. If you replay a video once, it will count as a view. However, if you constantly refresh the page to artificially up the view count, YouTube will pinpoint this as a spamming practice.

3. What is a good watch time on YouTube?

If your videos fall under the 70-80% range, it means they are performing well. Anything above that is a very well-constructed video.
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Picture of Fahad Ahmed

Fahad Ahmed

I am a part of the #ChampFam and working as a Community Specialist. You would usually find me helping people in various communities and groups. When not working, I am a huge fan of Real Madrid and have a passion for exploring exciting locations all over the world. You can reach out to me at [email protected]

2 thoughts on “19 Essential YouTube Tips to Maximize Your Success in 2025”

  1. Amazing! Well-written and clear. Your blog is very well selected and everything is in place! Thank you for sharing such valuable tips with us.

  2. I recently started a YouTube channel and I have fewer followers. I will be implementing your tips, hope these amazing tips work for me.

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